Computer Use Policy

Computer Use Policy

Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy

世界赌博十大网站提供大量信息技术资源供使用 by the College's students, faculty, and staff. Information technology includes, but 不限于,所有学院的计算设备,软件,系统和网络. 提供这些资源是为了支持学院的使命和机构目标. 使用这些系统是一种特权,所有用户都应该负责任 and to follow the College's policies governing the use of these resources. Violations of this policy could result in disciplinary review. In such a review, the full range 包括失去使用电脑的权限, dismissal from the College, and legal action. Violations of some portions of the policy may constitute a criminal offense.

学院的信息技术可接受使用政策要求每个校区 user abide by and agree to the following guidelines:

I. Respect security requirements for computer accounts.

A.    分配给个人的计算机或电子邮件(电子邮件)帐户,包括 student accounts, must not be used by others. Faculty, students, and staff are individually 负责正确使用自己的账户,包括密码保护和 appropriate use of Internet resources. Making your password or another person's password 或访问他人可用的代码或试图逃避,禁用或“破解” 密码或其他安全规定,或协助他人这样做,威胁 侵犯了他人的工作、隐私和幸福,严重违反了大学的校规 policies. 此外,教师,学生和工作人员有责任选择一个合适的 password that is difficult for others to guess. If an individual suspects their password has been compromised, they should change the password immediately.

II. Respect copyright laws.

A.     计算机软件的使用必须遵守版权法和许可协议. 版权法保护软件,无论版权声明是否在 the software or its documentation. Software licensed by the College must only be used in accordance with the applicable license. It is illegal to make duplicate copies of software products unless authorized to do so by its author or publisher. Computer 用户无权在未经授权的情况下提供或接收软件的副本 or to install duplicated software onto College computing equipment.

III. Respect the rights of others using of the system.

A.     Computer users shall not use the College's information technology resources 参加骚扰性质的或法律禁止的活动. Sending 威胁、骚扰或歧视的信息、信息或图像 在本质上违反了大学的政策,并可能违反法律. 在计算机实验室或其他校园展示可能令人反感的材料 location is not allowed. Users are absolutely prohibited from utilizing systems to 创建、获取、存储或传播可能具有性或种族冒犯性的材料; 或以其他方式侮辱或贬损某一种族、肤色、宗教的人, 性别、性倾向、国籍、年龄、残疾、遗传信息或 veteran status.

Respect electronic mail guidelines.

A.    为了支持学院的使命,学院鼓励使用其电子设备 邮件服务可以共享信息,改善沟通,交换意见. 任何与学院相关的电子邮件地址或帐户都是财产 of the College. Those who use the College's electronic mail services are expected 遵守州和联邦法律,学院的政策和程序 是否应该遵循正常的职业和个人礼貌和行为标准. Electronic communication under a false name or designation is prohibited. Sending 匿名通信并不免除发件人承担的责任 for their actions.
B.     电子邮件服务的使用不应给学院带来压力 计算资源或干扰他人使用电子邮件系统. Prohibitive 用途包括,但不限于,发送或转发连锁信件,利用 列表服务器通过扩大电子邮件的广泛分布和发送 the same electronic mail message repeatedly.
C.     禁止员工使用“全体员工”批量分发列表 to distribute non-work related messages. Information in regards to work, employees, and 世界十大博彩公司网站 sponsored events are acceptable.
D.     Confidentiality of electronic mail cannot be assured. The system administrator, 技术经理或其他人员可能需要查看计算机帐户的内容 并通过电子邮件进行维护或诊断和纠正问题. When 在进行维护时,学院将尽合理的努力确保个人隐私 电脑帐户和电子邮件,但不能保证完全的隐私 accounts. The user however acknowledges and consents that the College may monitor 电子邮件通信和互联网的使用,以确保遵守本协议. 如果发现违反政策的行为,将立即予以适当的报告 action will be taken.

V. 遵守有关使用资讯科技的操作指引 facilities.

A.     Administrators responsible for computer systems may establish more detailed 管理学院电脑设备及设施使用的指引. 这些指导原则涵盖了允许的连接时间、磁盘空间分配、 处理无法取回的邮件,负责账户审批和其他事项 related to administering the systems. The downloading of any software onto computing 世界赌博十大网站拥有或操作的设备(除非下载材料) 被认为是教师资源)未经事先书面批准是不允许的. 在系统使用高峰期,计算机用户从事的活动是 与学院的业务没有直接关系的学生,可以被要求放弃他们的 access to the system. Settings on computers are not to be changed. Computer users, 无论是在校园内还是远程访问世界十大博彩公司网站资源,都应遵守这些规定 并以负责任和专业的态度使用学院的计算机资源 manner.
B.     学院禁止使用降低可用带宽的程序, 包括但不限于从互联网上播放的音乐/广播节目、视频和游戏 sites, unless these programs are incorporated into instruction.
C.     学院提供信息技术资源供用户参与 activities that support the work of the institution. Use of the College's resources 出于商业原因,集资、政治竞选或非法目的是非法的 not acceptable. Non-authorized solicitations on behalf of individuals, groups, or organizations are prohibited.

VI. Agreement

A.     新墨西哥大专计算机系统的所有用户必须阅读、理解、 and comply with the policies outlined in this document. By using any of the College's information technology resources, users agree to comply with these policies.